Urban development

To enable cities to better cope with the new tasks and challenges, the federal government supports the creation of sustainable urban development structures with urban development funding programs. To this end, the federal government grants financial assistance to the federal states in accordance with Article 104b of the Basic Law, which is supplemented by funds from the federal states and local authorities. The federal financial assistance is made available to the federal states on the basis of an administrative agreement (VV Städtebauförderung).
The objectives of urban development funding are:
- Strengthening inner cities and town centers in their urban development function, also taking into account the protection of historical monuments
- Creation of sustainable urban development structures in areas affected by significant loss of urban development functions, such as vacant housing or brownfield sites in city centers, especially industrial, conversion and railroad sites
- Urban development measures to remedy social problems.
The federal government has set up the following programs to achieve these funding goals:
- Vibrant centers - preservation and development of town and city centers
- Social cohesion - shaping life together in the neighborhood
- Growth and sustainable renewal - shaping livable neighborhoods
You can find more information on the individual programs at www.staedtebaufoerderung.info.
The following funding programs are currently running in the city of Idar-Oberstein:
- Active city - Oberstein city center
- Socially Integrative City - Wasenstrasse neighborhood
- Lively center Idar