

Upcoming elections

Election of the Advisory Board for Migration and Integration

On Sunday, November 10, 2024, the municipal advisory boards for migration and integration will be newly elected in Rhineland-Palatinate. In Idar-Oberstein, too, all residents with a history of migration are called upon to vote.

What is elected?
The Advisory Board for Migration and Integration is elected every five years. The advisory board represents the interests of foreign residents living in Idar-Oberstein as well as citizens with a migration background. The aim is to promote political decision-making and offer support.

Who can vote (active voting rights)?
Eligible to vote on election day are

  • all foreign or stateless residents as well as dual nationals and persons with a migration background,
  • who have reached the age of 16,
  • have been registered with their main residence in Idar-Oberstein for at least three months and
  • are not excluded from the right to vote.

Who may be elected (passive suffrage)?
All eligible voters who are not disqualified from holding public office by a court ruling are eligible.

The State Association of Advisory Councils for Migration and Integration (AGARP) answers general questions about the election on its website at www.https://wahlen2024.agarp.de/fragen-und-antworten/, by telephone on 06131 638435 or by email at agarp@agarp.de. The AGARP also regularly sends out information about the elections by circular mail. Interested parties can sign up to the mailing list using the contact details provided. Anyone interested in standing as a candidate can also contact the Idar-Oberstein city administration for further information. Either by e-mail to wahlamt@idar-oberstein.de or by calling 06781-64 1113, the staff will be happy to provide information.

Applying for postal voting documents
You can apply for postal voting documents via the link https://tbk.ewois.de/IWS/startini.do?mb=198.

Announcements on the advisory board election

Documents for the advisory board election

Past elections

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