The photo shows a view of the meeting room. The rows of chairs for the council members are arranged in a semi-circle in ascending order. On the wall behind them is an installation showing the outline of the town of Idar-Oberstein with the coats of arms of the individual districts.

Politics - Administration

Politics and administration

The town of Idar-Oberstein was created on October 1, 1933 by merging the previously independent towns of Idar and Oberstein and the municipalities of Algenrodt and Tiefenstein. In the course of the Rhineland-Palatinate territorial reform in 1969, nine further municipalities were incorporated. Today, the medium-sized center with a population of around 30,000 is the central town in the district of Birkenfeld.

Self-government tasks are carried out by the City Council, which consists of 40 council members and the Lord Mayor as chairman. The council decides on all matters of self-government, sets local laws and makes decisions in the area of services of general interest. Due to the variety of tasks to be dealt with, the City Council has formed committees for a number of areas in which specialist discussions are held, decisions prepared and, in some cases, decisions taken.

Everything you need to know about the municipal committees, their meeting documents and resolutions can be found in the council information system.

As a municipal service authority, the city administration is the first point of contact for citizens. At the head of the administration is Lord Mayor Frank Frühauf, who leads the authority and represents the city externally. He is assisted by Mayor Friedrich Marx, who also heads his own department and represents the Lord Mayor in his absence. As a rule, the contact persons for citizens' concerns are the clerks in the relevant departments. The contact details of the contact persons are stored in the citizen information system, where you can also obtain information about the services offered by the administration. The public utilities section contains information on the water supply and wastewater disposal departments as well as the municipal swimming pools.

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