Information about our social media channels

Data protection information social media

The city administration of Idar-Oberstein operates the following social media channel:

If you use the services of this provider, it is possible that usage data may be collected and possibly stored in server logs. The city of Idar-Oberstein has no influence on the type and scope of the transmitted or stored data.

Further information on this can be found in our Facebook and Instagram privacy policy, YouTube privacy policy and below in the text.

You can find out why the city of Idar-Oberstein uses social media in the social media usage concept of the city of Idar-Oberstein.

The netiquette - the rules of etiquette that apply to all users - for our social networks can be found here. We ask you to observe them.

  • Reference to the data protection risks of social media services

    In accordance with the recommendation of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, we would like to draw your attention to the data protection risks of social media services from non-European providers when using social media channels:

    Social media services are often multi-level provider relationships in which the respective information or communication service is offered on a platform provided by third parties and in which user data is processed as part of the platform operator's own business purposes. This makes social media services difficult to understand from the user's perspective and often problematic from a legal perspective, particularly with regard to existing responsibilities. Particularly in the case of non-European platform operators/providers, social media services often do not comply with the General Data Protection Regulation from a data protection perspective.

    In particular, this provides for users to be adequately informed and requires their consent prior to the processing of personal data. Further information on this can be found in the Framework for the use of "social media" by public bodies of the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Rhineland-Palatinate.

    Public bodies that operate a social media presence as part of their task fulfillment are jointly responsible under data protection law with the operator of the social media platform with regard to the processing of the usage data of visitors to their social media presence. When designing our social media offering, we have therefore ensured, among other things, that alternative information and communication channels are also available to you (at www.idar-oberst and/or in the Idar-Oberstein city facet distributed free of charge to all households in the city of Idar-Oberstein) and are endeavoring to provide a data protection-compliant offering through Facebook Ireland Ltd (platform operator Facebook and Instagram) and Google LLC (platform operator YouTube).

    We have no influence on the processing of usage data by Facebook Ireland Ltd. and Google LLC beyond the offer of our website and only have limited information. Information on the data guidelines can be found at the following Internet addresses:

You can find tips on self-data protection in social networks in the guide "Self-data protection in social networks" from the Rhineland-Palatinate State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

Information on existing options for restricting the processing of your data by the platform operator can be found at:

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